Controlling the South: the case of East Africa | Written by Yash Tandon | Published by RLS Brussels Office | February 2017
This paper falls within the overall theme of mega-regional trade and investment agreements that have proliferated in recent years. It addresses the question of whether they are improving or worsening the condition of countries in the Global South.
Produced by NAPE Uganda | February 2017
The video documentary investigates about the over 1,000 people evicted from their land in Bugambe Sub-County, Hoima District in Uganda by unscrupulous businessmen targeting the oil and sugar industry and relays the untold suffering by communities. Read more ... ... The European Union is seeking to conclude several economic partnerships around the world, one with the East African Community. A conference hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation recently discussed the pros and cons of Tanzania. The left-wing European Commissioner Helmut Scholz also participated. He spoke to Dorothee Braun, the director of the RLS East Africa office.
Video documentary: “Seeds of the Oil Curse”
Interview: Development thrust is put at risk

Fact booklet: Unpacking Trade & Investment