Author Archives: andreas

The heritage of Mwalimu: Launch of the Nyerere Resource Centre

The heritage of Mwalimu: Launch of the Nyerere Resource Centre

Former President Benjamin William Mkapa has officially launched the highly anticipated Mwalimu Nyerere Resource Centre at the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) in Dar es Salaam. The driver behind the centre is the international well-know lawyer and researcher Prof. Issa Shivji. Since several years Prof. Shivji is member of a team writing a new political biography of the Julius Kambarage Nyerere.

Paper: Current challenges facing the civil society in Kenya

Paper: Current challenges facing the civil society in Kenya

Written by Yves Niyiragira, Executive Director of «fahamu», Kenya | February 2015 This short paper attempts to give a historical background to the birth of the current strong civil society in Kenya and briefly discusses the current threats and opportunities for the Kenyan civil society. It ends with an analysis that believes that the Kenyan civil society will continue being a strong player in the Kenyan society fo ...

Study: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Study: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

A charter for deregulation, an attack on jobs, an end to democracy written by John Hilary and published by RLF Brussels office | February 2015 TTIP has become a key political issue in many countries, with growing media interest feeding off public fear at the substantial dangers that the agreement will bring. That is why the RLF Brussels office updated the publication on TTIP by John Hilary. ...

Study: Confronting Development

Study: Confronting Development

A Critical Assessment of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals published by the RLF New York office | December 2014 In the year 2000, the world’s leaders assembled at the Millennium Summit to affirm their commitment to an ambitious development agenda, later distilled into eight “Millennium Development Goals” (MDGs). The summit famously called, among other demands, for concrete and time-bound action to eradicate e ...
