Published by NAPE | December 2014 The new Sustainability School Bulletin of NAPE has been dedicated to the "Community Green Radio Project" which has been born out of the Sustainability School programme. ...

Published by NAPE | December 2014 The new Sustainability School Bulletin of NAPE has been dedicated to the "Community Green Radio Project" which has been born out of the Sustainability School programme. ...
Published by SEATINI-Uganda | November / December 2014 This issue covers topics like enhancement of agricultural marketing and workshops on trade negotiations. ...
On July 4th 2014, the Uganda Community Green Radio (UCGR), an initiative of the Uganda National Association for Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) was born. As an extension to the Sustainability School projects supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in the oil rich Albertine region in western Uganda, UCGR provides a much needed platform for communities to express their views freely especially on how they are b ...
Issue number 3 | Published by NAPE | May 2014 The purpose of the bulletin is to bring you information regarding the implementation of the Sustainability School programme; its achievements and successes, lessons learnt, good practices and challenges encountered and how they are being overcome. ...
Adaption or Mitigation? | Published by Peace Pen Communications | February 2014 The Big Question for Climate Change. The effects of Climate Change are complex requiring global, regional and national interventions and cannot be handled by a single ministry or government. The challenge of confronting the impacts of climate change is often framed in terms of two potential paths that civilization might take: adaptatio ...
Issue number 2 | Published by NAPE | May 2014 The purpose of the bulletin is to bring you information regarding the implementation of the Sustainability School; its achievements and successes, lessons learnt, good practices and challenges encountered and how they are being overcome. The bulletin is also aimed at giving you an opportunity as a stakeholder and a person concerned with the wellbeing of all Ugandans ri ...
Lets Talk Trash" | Published by Peace Pen Communications | October 2013 "Lets Talk Trash". Solid waste management is a major problem world-over and in Kenya offers several challenges from clogged drainage and sewers, waterborne diseases like typhoid, cholera and diarrhoea, increased upper respiratory diseases from open burning of the garbage to malaria. ...
Killing our rain | Industrial activties & environmental degradation | Published by Peace Pen Communications | July 2013 We may be making great industrial strides but the quality of our life is shrinking by the day! With industrial revolution in most cities of the world comes the non-relenting challenge of environmental degradation. The two are inter-linked in that there is seldom any industrial growth without ...