CONFERENCE: "The search for a New Economic Dispensation in Uganda" - Thursday | 12.08.2021

CONFERENCE: "The search for a New Economic Dispensation in Uganda" - Thursday | 12.08.2021

CONFERENCE: “The search for a New Economic Dispensation in Uganda” – Thursday | 12.08.2021

Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI-Uganda) and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-East Africa Office wish to invite you to a Conference on “The search for a New Economic Dispensation in Uganda:  Lessons from COVID-19”.

The conference is scheduled for Thursday, 12th August 2021, at Kabira Country Hotel, starting 9:00 AM and will also be on ZOOM (See details on conference flyer).

The purpose of this conference is:

  1. To provide a platform for stakeholders to understand and appreciate the link between the current development paradigm and existing development challenges.
  2. To agree on areas of focus by the school for research and knowledge generation on alternative positions on development policies.


You may download here the conference concept note and program.
